Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Sleeping Beauty 2018
Sleeping Beauty 2018
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
The Fifth Elephant 2019
The Fifth Elephant 2019
Theatre Credits
2024 | Our House | ENSEMBLE | The Plowright Theatre
2024 | Cinderella | PRINCE CHARMING | The Plowright Theatre
2023 | The Addams Family Musical | SUFFRAGETTE ANCESTOR | The Plowright Theatre
2022 | Little Shop of Horrors | ENSEMBLE | The Plowright Theatre
2022 | Jack and the Beanstalk | JACK DURDEN | The Plowright Theatre
2020 | Mother Goose | Donald Goose | The Plowright Theatre
2019 | Terry Pratchett's The Fifth Elephant | Cheery Littlebottom | The Plowright Theatre
2019 | Dick Whittington | Idle Jack | The Plowright Theatre
2018 | Sleeping Beauty | Fairy Fred | The Plowright Theatre
2017 | Red Riding Hood | Mummy Bear | The Plowright Theatre
2016 | Aladdin | Soshi | The Plowright Theatre

Other Credits
2022 | Halloween Spooktacular | MARY THE GHOST | Normanby Hall
2022 | Some Enchanted Evening (Concert) | VOCAL SOLOIST | Various Locations, Gainsborough
2021 | Singing in the Snow (Concert) | VOCAL SOLOIST | Various Locations, Gainsborough
2021 | Santa's Grotto and Performances | ELF | Brigg Garden Centre
2021 | A Night at the West End (Concert) | VOCAL SOLOIST | Various Locations, Gainsborough​​​​​​​

Theatre Training

I gained a Distinction in my grade 8 exam, during which I had to perform four songs and a monologue in costume as well as discussing theory behind musical theatre.
 Fortnightly private singing lessons
I am receiving ongoing singing lessons/vocal training.
​​​​​​​Member of the British Pantomime Academy
I have taken part in many workshops run by theatre professionals including a series of one-to-one mentor sessions with the academy's founder Kev Orkain.
Attended Mark Jermin Virtual Thursday classes
Weekly classes run by Mark Jermin Stage School. Including weekly challenges and guest teachers.
8 week musical theatre course with The International College of Musical Theatre
A course working on developing acting and singing pieces.
AS Level Drama and Theatre Studies at  John Leggott College
Developing a theoretical and practical understanding of classical and modern theatre pieces.
Nine years attending youth theatre groups
I took part in many productions as well as working on improvisations, devising theatre pieces and much more.

Skills and Other Experience

teaching drama at Rising Stars children’s drama group
I co-ran Rising Stars, a children's drama group for over 5 years since the age of 16. During this time I helped the children to develop their acting skills and worked with them on a number of productions. I often assisted with casting, directing and costuming the children for the annual pantomime at The Plowright Theatre.

Fully qualified Girlguiding main leader
I ran my own Brownie group for 5 years. This involved being responsible for up to 25 girls aged 7 to 10 not only at our weekly meetings, but also on day trips and residentials. I often performed risk assessments and other admin and I have completed various training as part of my leadership qualification including level 3 safe space training, first response training.

Comedy skills
I am very passionate about comedy and I naturally have very good comedic timing. My comedy idol is Victoria Wood and I have won awards at the Scunthorpe Musical Festival with her pieces more than once. I love finding the comedy in a script and working hard to make it the best it can be. I am unique in that I have twice played the main comedy character in pantomimes (Idle Jack and Donald Goose). This is a part that is almost always played by men so I am very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to portray these silly characters.

Pantomime skills
I have lots of pantomime experience having been in pantos every year since the age of 11 and playing main roles yearly since 16. As previously mentioned I have played the main comedy character twice, as well as Fairy Fred in Sleeping Beauty who was also a strong comedy lead. All of these parts involved lots of audience interaction so I am very experienced in and comfortable ad-libbing/improvising. Whist playing these parts I was also able to lead many classic pantomime routines such as the shoutout sheet, ghost routine, slop scene, sweet routine and song sheet

I am a strong mover and am able to pick up choreography well. I am skilled at majorettes/baton twirling having attended lessons from the age of 2 until 13 and preforming in many shows and demonstrations. I am also a black belt at taekwondo, skilled at archery and experienced in staff fighting for stage.

Northern England (native), RP English, Southern English, American General, Southern American, Australian​​​​​​​

 Scunthorpe Musical Festival
I competed in both the speech and drama and music sections of
The Scunthorpe Musical Festival for six years between the ages of 10 and 15.
I attained the following awards:

The Silver Jubilee Trophy 2015
The Festival Rose Bowl Trophy 2015
The Dallas Rose Bowl Trophy 2014

1st place: Humorous verse 2015
(George, Who Played with a Dangerous Toy by Hillaire Balloc)
1st place: Duologue 2015
(The Shoe Shop Sketch by Victoria Wood)
1st place: Solo Dramatic 2014
(Nicola by Victoria Wood)
1st place: Duo Mime 2013

2nd place: Humorous verse 2014
(A Parent's Prayer by David Axton)
2nd place: Humorous verse 2012
(Bazonka by Spike Milligan)

3rd place: Solo Dramatic 2015
(Kitty by Victoria Wood)
3rd place: Humorous verse 2013
(Don't Bring Camels in the Classroom by Ken Nesbitt)
3rd place: Duologue 2012
(Alice in Wonderland)
3rd place: verse speaking 2012
(The Grey Horse by James Reeves)

Merit: Acoustic Pop Song 2013
merit: verse speaking 2013
merit: vocal solo 2012
merit: verse speaking 2011
merit: verse speaking 2010
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Mother Goose 2020
Mother Goose 2020
Dick Whittington 2019
Dick Whittington 2019
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Jack and the Beanstalk 2022
Sleeping Beauty 2018
Sleeping Beauty 2018
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